Sunday, December 5, 2010

HYPNO-PIER: Official Project Gener8 Entry

Grabbed with permission from
Don't forget to vote HYPNO-PIER by Cyrus and Glynis. Thank you! :)

Pier Roxas woke up one day on a pier along Roxas boulevard and try as he might, he could not remember where he has been for the past 8 days.
His real name is Pierre Quijano, a half American, half Spanish model working in the Philippines. His father was an ex-US army sergeant stationed at Subic. When Pierre’s mother died when he was 16, he came to live in the Philippines with his dad who took a Filipina waitress as his second wife and settled at Olongapo city. He went to college at the Ateneo finishing a course in International studies. But with his good looks, he was discovered by a talent scout for an advertising firm where he soon became a print-ad model.

He lived a fairly normal life given the circumstances and things were going quite well for him. A couple of years back, he went to the US to visit his relatives. He visited his cousin Joseph who was studying at Harvard at the time. One night, his cousin brought him to a frat party where some unusual entertainment was going on. There was a pretty hypnotist there by the name of Camille Siy. She was Chinese and was doing a lot of fancy tricks; hypnotizing guests to do silly stuff. People were mooing like cows, clucking like chickens and others were acting like they were Spiderman. At the time, Pierre thought that the party was pretty trippy although he didn’t really want to participate.
All of a sudden, Camille called him from the back and asked him if he would like to join him in a small exercise. Reluctant at first but after much prodding by his cousin and frat buddies, he was cajoled into joining.
The exercise was simple. Camille asked if he has had much to drink. At the time, he hasn’t even had any alcohol yet being fascinated with the show he just walked into. Camille said that she could make him drunk without drinking a single drop of alcohol. Pierre was skeptical but went along with the hypnotist. She sat Pierre on a chair and asked him to imagine how it felt to drink alcohol and what sensations he felt when he tasted alcohol. He was asked to imagine drinking a bottle of beer and imagine further how it felt sliding through his esophagus and down to his stomach while Camille ran his finger from Pierre’s throat to his stomach. He was asked to imagine that over and over again and every time he imagined it he was told that the intensity was doubling every time he did that. At first he thought nothing was happening then suddenly he felt warm and giddy then slowly as he followed her commands he knew it he was euphorically drunk. Camille then asked him to stand up and walk the line like they did on field sobriety tests when you get pulled over for DUI’s and to everyone’s amazement, he couldn’t do it, toppling over like a drunk buffoon every step of the way. Then Camille announced that she would give Pierre a password which would turn off this drunken state and return him back to normal. She went over to Pierre and whispered something for about 30 seconds then she snapped her fingers. Pierre felt the drunkenness disappear in an instant. She asked him to walk the line again and he performed it with ease. She asked him to do it again then half way through the line, she showed him a placard which read X-hilir8 and suddenly he felt drunk all over again and promptly stumbled as he took his next step. Everyone was clapping. She snapped her fingers and he was fine again.
Although that incident happened years ago, as Pierre picked up the sub zero bottle of Coor’s Light, he couldn’t forget that one night of insanity. Pierre looked around in the club and saw his friend Luis dancing on the dance floor with a couple of girls they just met. He wasn’t in the mood for dancing for he felt a little sore playing basketball during the afternoon with his buddies. He was contented to chill it out in the bar listening to the music with his ice cold beer.
Then suddenly someone caught his eye. A sexy girl walked in and was walking straight at him. He was admiring the gorgeous lady coming closer, and when the disco lights shone on her face, he recognized her. It was Camille. Surprised, Pierre could not believe that she was in the Philippines. Camille came closer looked him in the eye then sat beside him. She reached closer and whispered to his ear. He had to strain what she was saying then he heard it , “Project Gener8.”
Suddenly Pierre fell into a trance. Camille planted a kiss on his collar then stood up and walked away. A couple of minutes later, Pierre’s buddies came back from the dance floor. But Pierre ignored them and still in a trance like state, walked out the door.
He got out of the bar where a man in a hooded jacket was waiting for the man with the lipstick smudge on the collar. He followed Pierre to his car and got in from the passenger side and dropped a black box on his lap. Pierre opened the package and looked at the contents. There was a piece of paper which he read.
FORGET WHO YOU ARE. Who you work for is not important. Your mission is to rendezvous with another agent eight days from now at the pier near gate 1 along Roxas boulevard. From now on, you are PIER ROXAS and he will identify himself to you as MV Shipwreck. He will hand you a package that you would carry to the TARGET. Enclosed in the box is a key for the safe house where you will be staying there further details of this mission will be given to you. Go with the agent beside you who will take you there and who will transport you through this mission. Leave all your personal items in the box and leave it in the car. Take with you the Nokia N8 and the Smart Gold Sim which we will use to contact you for further instructions. The PASSWORD to terminate this mission is known to you and you will receive a text message from us releasing you once the mission is complete. Once released, you will not recall this mission and your part in it. Tear and dispose of this message after reading.”
Pierre read the instructions. He left his wallet and cell phone in the box, taking out the Nokia N8 and Smart Gold Sim as well as the key and pocketed them. As he stepped out of the car, a slip of paper fell from his lap, it was his parking ticket. The hooded man picked it up and gave it to him which he placed in his pocket. Pierre tore the message left to him and threw it in the garbage receptacle. Pierre was escorted to a red car which brought him to an undisclosed place. When they reached the safe house, inside were some gym equipment, change of clothing and food to last a week. On a table, there was a box which contained further details and instructions of what he was supposed to do. For eight days prior to the meeting, he was supposed to train in the safe house for his mission was to bomb the visiting foreign aircraft carrier that was coming in on that day. The bomb will be handed to him by the agent known as MV Shipwreck.
Thus Pierre did as he was told. He felt compelled to obey. Eight days passed. He wore the same clothes he wore when he came in and burning all the mission directives in the metal waste bin. A knock on the door told him it was time to go. He pocketed the key and the Nokia N8 and Smart Gold Sim then proceeded to open the door. The hooded man was back, and he was dropped off a couple of blocks from the pier. Pierre walked towards the pier. He was a man with a mission. As he was about to cross the street, he saw a van with a sign on the side which said “Project Gener8.” That was the password to release him from his hypnotic trance which he accidentally saw on an advertising van for Nokia. He suddenly felt dizzy as he stepped further, not noticing the oncoming delivery truck. The truck swerved to avoid him but it still managed to hit him on the cheek with its side mirror. He spun around and staggered to the sidewalk falling unconscious.
Moments later, he woke up and couldn’t remember where he was or how he got there.

There, that's go and visit:

and vote HYPNO-PIER by Cyrus and Glynis! :)

Thank you! :)

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