Wednesday, August 5, 2009

The Future Cardiologist

Actually I don't care who he is too, I just want to check out who wrote that ooooh so refined penmanship. I really kept in mind the name of its owner. I pried so I'm aware who he is.
Whenever I see this guy in our workplace there is a wall of hindrances slapping me, I don't even know if he'll smile back or he'll just hurt my charming factor. But I did still try my luck to at least greet this not so amicable guy as a sign of respect since I already noticed him.
I find him mysterious, my intuition knows that there is something with this guy. Why would someone with tribal stuffs be so silent? That's way too impossible.
To my surprise, he added my facebook. How come he knew me!? I didn't even introduced myself to him, we barely talk too. Hmmmmm...I don't know! Nothing to encript! The rest is a history.
We became friends, shared lots of similar things and gained each other's trust in a swift. I wasn't wrong at all, there is so much to know about this guy, definitely not the boring one, the eccentric one, and the insensitive one that he always brags about. People just don't know how to appreciate the real him.
To have this connection and closeness with him, I never presumed this to happen. Maybe he was sent by God, for whatever purposes it might be.
Thank you for staying abreast, for understanding me, for hearing me out.....for everything....
08/05/2009 2225


  1. awwww... this is so nice.... i wonder who he is....

  2. this was written in august.... so, what do you think about him now.... is he as promising as he initially appeared to be?
