Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Sleepless Nights

09/08/2009 0010

She hates the time before she goes to sleep, it's where the unavoidable starts to linger.. The second package with everything in it gave her all.. Doesn't demand nor starts a fight.. Doesn't play.. Loves deeply..

Many times she tried to forget him.. Lost her heart when he unintentionally wounded her.. She's starting to live with her own until he approached and appologized.. Now, she's trapped with this emotional bait again..

She cried, he gave her options to chose from.. She stayed and won't regret for doing so.. She's drowned in deep agony as he try to "rescue" her.. She followed her intuitions.. Stupidity in other's view.. She can control her feelings.. She just can't teach her heart..

Using his silver tongue.. He still wanted her to stay.. No time and effort allocated for her.. Is he really redeeming himself?
Action speaks louder than words.. If she is really important.. Find ways.. If not.. What else she is waiting for? A renewable heartache?
It's not wrong to be nice.. Learn to be true to those who are entitled so you won't end up being betrayed..

1 comment:

  1. i don't think it was unintentional...
    you're living a vicious cycle where the wound will just get deeper and deeper until it cuts through...
