Sunday, November 8, 2009

No Title

My soul is searching for your presence as I wait for you to cut off your hibernation. Fortunate not to see that other side of you but given proper indicated precautions. I sometimes notice sudden changes but I don't have the courage to ask.

Deep within I feel your delicate and bleeding contents, silence does not baffle me. My heart froze in pain but it won't stop beating. I'm fidgeting inside out. I don't even want to think of any reasons, all I wanted is to help you hunch better.

I know I always hurt you with my numbskull even if you don't say so. What pains you certainly pains me too, hearing self-accusations of worthlessness hurts. I realized that I can't just slip away as I walk past briskly.

Inevitable pang rushing all throughout my veins, it clogged and overpowered me. No matter how much tear I shed, it will never be enough to mend what I broke. Your choice, the consequences I don't know. I'm sorry.......

11/08/2009 0030


  1. “One is loved because one is loved. No reason is needed for loving.”

  2. sometimes, people want to be alone just to think and collect their thoughts.... it doesn't mean that they want to stay away forever, sometimes, it's confusing when you are in the thick of things... don't worry if you break his heart, as long as you loved true during your time together, it may hurt but the moments you have will surely be treasured, forever etched on him as long as he lives.... it doesn't really matter if you leave for sometimes, everyone has some place to go, the important thing is that you stayed, made the most of it, made each other feel important and loved and that is enough, for love to be expressed, no matter what the outcome may be....
