Monday, December 21, 2009

Broken Promise

In spite of the painful fact that I'm just your nothing, I still believe you. Really? Since when things got better between us? It's the same old shit! I don't even know if you remember what you're saying and what you've promised. When you're gone, you're literally gone. My heart searches for you, and you're nowhere to be found. Attending to me only if you want to, what a selfish hag! Why can't you get lost forever instead of showing your spirit to me when I'm already getting the hang of your absence? This is a never ending vicious cycle thus I keep on entertaining your lies.

I tried to understand your unacceptable attitude but you showed me worthlessness. How much pain do you need to pour on your victims? I don't even question you for making a fool out of me when it is so obvious that your reasons are too irrational and absurd! I know sooner or later you will still receive your karma on every false word you say against me. One day in your life, everyone who cares for you genuinely will be gone. You can never be happy, and you don't deserve to be. Life does not revolve on you alone! I only hope that it won't be the end of everything yet when you decided to seek realization.

You gave me so much pain. I don't know why I like you so much and now I'm wishing this to be down on drain. My soul felt so uneasy the moment I saw you. This feeling I cant explain, feelings I thought I can overcome. An unreachable dream I can't put on my hand whatever I do. When would it be me? There is no possible answer. I secretly yearn for you, I must admit. For the nth time you left me hanging with uncertainties, borrowed moments started to drift away. Your silence slowly kills me. This shattered pieces of mine you choose not to mend will give you five folds of pain in return. Deep inside of me lies a shorter patience for you, up until when will you test me?

12/21/2009 1600

1 comment:

  1. the problem with this is you love him too much, and he loves you too little.... i don't think it's a test.... he just can't invest himself to you...
