Wednesday, December 23, 2009

A Day in Manila City Hall

Last December 10, 2009 I got to Manila city hall at 1400 to undergo panel interview for my hospital application. It started at around 1600! And the sequence of this interview was arranged based on our surnames, so I was called at around 1830. We are all hungry and pissed off there. Long waits as expected. In here I saw the sad reality polluting government institution the smallest way they can:

1. Backer system- the one with a strong political connection surely wins a hand.
2. Unjust treatment- the interviewee herself called the one who is supposedly next to me, thrown questions
are bias. From pulse sites, family planning to MI, parameters of NB screening, some are personal fact finding.
3. Irrelevancy- it goes from singing the Maynila song, significant places in Manila and other sort of health related picks.

No standardization of questions= non-reliable system.

Invisible barriers of power wrapped our waiting area.
I don't hope for any possibilities of being hired, it is hard to compete with something you know you can't beat. Wherever we go public/private institution, we can encounter such SOP, under the table transactions are very much welcomed.

From Dr.Martin, Dr.Yson, Ms.Ingrid- lessons learned:
1. Speak out- have the courage to open up as long as your stance is justifiable.
2. Fight for the truth- mistakes covered has no way of being corrected.
3. Small act can mean big- writing a simple incident letter gives an eye.

I may not be chosen to be a government employee but I'm still afloat for having this positive outlook in life. Things I didn't anticipated
during my previous training left a scar in my fragility. Learning for me should still be a pleasurable experience and should not leave any disappointment inside, to love a place where I can sharpen my skills called my second home.

12/23/2009 2000

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