Thursday, January 14, 2010


Burdens that could entirely change us, but we choose not to. We are always told to live our lives to the fullest, what we want to feel is what we will manifest (law of attraction). We are still the same no matter how the past have withered us like a trash of no value.

Respecting our own sanctuary as we gradually gain appreciation from other entities calls for demand. Troubling, yet we are not alone in this world! We know that someday, someone out there will help us lift our loads and make us realize that life is worth living at all.

We are accustomed by unmeasurable pain even at the peak of our heydey but we need to stand bravely. Only losers give up. One step in moving on is deciding not to stay where you are. There are surely lot of scopes and blessings in front of us passing out of our consciousness.

Lost, there is no way of turning back. Learn to appreciate and catch what lies at this very moment, explore the possibilities of the present. Do not allow our past to ruin ourselves, it will permanently damage us as a whole. As irreversible as it can be, feeling complete seems beyond bounds.

We do not learn to forget those critical times but instead we learn to live with the pain it has caused. No matter how circumstances forbids us to shine, still there are places that could readily embrace our decaying soul. We can always let the wind blow our worries away towards serenity, clasping inner peace throughout our life's journey.

01/14/10 1500

1 comment:

  1. every argument, every loss, every moment of anger takes away a piece of us....part that is forever lost.... with repercussions that we will be forced to endure....
