Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Sick at Heart

You always pretend to be happy. Talking a lot, laughing out loud so nobody would know what's really inside. But at the end of the day, you always find yourself all alone encountering the crucial truth during your abandoned wee hours that you're too broken inside and not even a million laughter can take it away.

You've guessed once you loved someone, there's no bridging back. No matter how you try to prevent it, deep inside you know he will always be special inspite of the unwanted circumstances that ruins you. Well, love still turns into hatred as you perceive incongruency on your adaptation scheme.

Unrequited love is like drowning yourself in the middle of the sea, struggling for your life while someone is just watching you from afar not even trying to save you, a minute care and sincerity you cannot stumble upon. The fretful you was left inconvinient, attempting to lessen the aggravation all by yourself.

The only peron who deserves you is the one who will stick by your side even if you mess up. He can always forgive you as long as you don't cross the line. It's the moment you find the courage to give up your own happines for someone- the moment where you understand love.

Crushed dignity, equanimity became laborious to control. A broken heart, a broken relationship, a broken trust, and a broken promises to live by as we act blind on what's directly insulting us. How much time will it take for you to get enervated hearing lies, waiting, assuming, and hurting?

01/20/2010 1300

1 comment:

  1. i disagree with a line here, the one who truly loves you is the one who can forgive you no matter what.... no conditions, no exceptions.... forgiveness is an integral part of loving....
