Thursday, January 21, 2010

New Generation Hotties

Too old to be your girlfriend, too young to be your mother. "Cougar" is a popular term for sexually aggressive older women on the hunt for young bachelors. Not being able to taste fresh meat for years, they devour a large slab of it once successfully preyed.

They are known predominantly for their bounty assets. Easily identifiable by their markings, mostly seen in the wilds controlling it's territory at their own pace. Always ready to pound on their possible heedless target, assuring no window for decampment.

Age disparity in sexual relationship wherein the women is significantly older than the men became a feature now. They can easily pick their boy toy through their unique MILF allure. A natural cradle snatcher that provides everything at all cost. Name it!

Factors to consider:
  • More time spent with their moms. Young males are still in search of their lives' direction.
  • Hot mom's supremacy rules. An authority where they call the shots as they wish. Anytime, anywhere.
  • Empowerment and boosting of self-confidence. A concept that someone still desires them despite antiquity.

The rule of thumb: "Never date someone half your age + seven."

Cougars: Date someone 8 years younger than them.

01/21/2010 0058

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