Friday, February 12, 2010

Female Urbanization

Declaring battle for her own bearing in any circumstances to show off her "female masculinity" to win a combat is common nowadays. She certainly needs to stand for herself as any being would where there are lot of unwanted stimuli clashing with her devastations. But the question is, to what extent?

Anger is a completely normal human emotion that varies from mild irritation to intense rage which can be preceded by an internal or external events. Losing control causes destructive behavior such as hostility and aggression that oftenly leads to trouble. Hence, intrapersonal relationship suffers.

Anxiety that occured from frustration triggers radical females to oppress other mates and brim over their vulnerability. This is intended to control the situation rather than deal with the actual problem thus making the ball game worst. An evidence of uncultured and uncivilized barbarous attitude.

No manners as we simply state, that is a concrete attestation of social position despite formal educations and principles taught. Yes, temperament can be inheredited from our origins but the frame of mind is honed by our family's values and beliefs. So is it safe to infer that attitudes has something to do with one's uprbringing?

02/12/2010 0330

1 comment:

  1. the problem with poor upbringing is that people think they could change it as they grow older....
