Tuesday, October 12, 2010


11/19/09 Wednesday 2400

"The Classes" started last November 4, 2008 Tuesday, I was so tensed and worried about everything. Whew!! My first day was so far so good, my professor is a priest. Yes! a priest! We discussed so many ethical issues, we can talk freely, we can interrupt him during our discussions, which is good too because we can say what we want, pertinent or impertinent ideas will do. Does being a priest and a normal citizen like me has a difference when it comes to analyzing bioethical issues?

Saturday November 8, I was too early for my first class, I came there at around 7:00am, oh come on!! duh! I'm not excited, I'm with my friend that time, we left our homes by 6:30am, his class is 7:00am, it was my choice to get there early, so that's it!!! My first class was Research Methodology, so what? Yes! It is a big deal! My heart was pounding, I can't explain what am I feeling that moment. As in I really don't have any ideas on how to make a research paper, I even emailed my prof because of too much worrying (-16 years in my life! yey!). We started our class by introducing ourselves, sadly, I'm bum, no opportunities for me in the hospitals. They laughed on how I said it, lol, but it's true. I hate being a bum. My prof's name was Alvin Atlas, he was so good, and supportive. I am hoping that I can learn or have knowledge about "Research" after this course. We were dismissed earlier than the said time, I roamed around the campus, with Bill Bonifacio and Adrian Limbo hehehe, I was amazed on their museum, lots of preserved animals and artifacts there! Located in the main building-front entrance.

I got weary of walking, we just got to our next class on time, Critical Thinking, Ma'am El Mithra dela Cruz was great! A very good prof with a sense of humor, she was asking us what is LOVE, hahahaha I said love is love, it is what you felt towards other person, it hurts and it broke my heart. Of course I have my facial reactions while saying it, the whole class laughed! Isn't it too flagrant that I am so bitter? =P Who cares anyway. We had our class activities, and had our endless discussion about what to answer and ended up mailing our answers to each other.

This was not a very good Saturday for me, ate my lunch at 4:30pm pica Ersao pork and a Zagu yummy, too hungry and tired. I have spent my entire afternoon at the library, thinking of a research topic, a "feasible" one, I got home by 5:30, so haggard. Still tired and so sleepy,tic tac tic tac.. at around 9:30pm a close friend asked me to have a coffee, I tripped downstairs on the gutter! Stupidity duh! That was my first time ever to be tripped there in my whole 20years of living here. I got home by 12mn then sleep. At last!!

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