Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Failing to Hit

To spend time searching for that missing piece in our lives that we think can make us complete does not mean it will be a perfect fit. No matter how we move heaven and earth we can never know.
They say that you don't seek for it. We neglect other's effort just to hold on to that person we like. Staying with someone you love even if you know it's better letting go is like standing under the rain, it feels good but you know it's going to make you sick.
Their irrational self-centered act grant them the key to hold on. Loss treasure, destiny permits them to do their part, it's not always about them. Chances are rarely given as waiting till doomsday is outrageous.
Out of the ordinary, it's not what you say or do that really matters, it's what you don't. Hearing nonsense declarations deserves no gratitude.
08/04/2009 1359

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes we search so much for something we don't recognize what's even right in front of our own eyes.
