Thursday, July 23, 2009

To Someone Special

Once thought to be a conducive venue for learning, faith has hovered my way to a place I barely know. Everyday doleful in this horrid institution aggravated my desolated world and hefty heart. I had no one. Being lonesome, insanity almost embraced me.
My grief-stricken life ended when I accidentally bumped into this typical guy, subsequently realizing that he is notably exceptional and not just a "typical one".
As days elapse, I started to catch a glimpse of his exquisiteness. This time I was stunned.
Giggling, teasing, crazy conversations.... Not in time I foreseen that I will suit his dispositions.
Unexpectedly captivated with his distinct appeal and unique individuality. Amidst the throng he still stands out, feasting my eyes on him by any chance.
Obstacles, hindrances, and time constraints wrapped me against him. Without any assurance of his existence, up until when? Who knows.. still I resort to hold on to this guy. He were in my life for a reason, thus I welcome him into my heart. It's not how short or long he'll stay.. The point is.. he came. If I am meant to be cut into pieces, let it be.
I patiently waited for someone like him, grasping this opportunity to be happy even at one point in my life. I didn't dropped any hint, I swear, it just happened. I am so blessed and fortunate to be chosen.
Splendid, excemplary. I really like the way he respect and treat me. His natural unembellished manner of letting me feel how special I am knocked my fragility. Straightaway, I'm feeling ecstatic.
Pensively deranged with the mere thoughts of the indisputably irresistible him can rock my world and affix a nice smile on my face.
Now that I found, I'd keep him and take good care of him, cherishing every enchanting moment I had with this special someone forever.

Thank you very much.
07/23/2009 1858

1 comment:

  1. this is touching,if only it reaches the person it was meant for....
