Wednesday, January 27, 2010


What does it takes to be a sniper? Getting a knife at your back, how does it feels like? Awful! Rotten tomatoes that can seriously injure your personality without you knowing may cause irreversible damage and poor reputation.

Breaking on a previously agreed norms produces moral and psychological conflict within relationship among individuals.Their infestation leads to anger, one of our strongest and most common emotion associated with betrayal. Deadly annoying.

There are facts that present themselves that can back up your instincts. Proofs of suspicion, there will be no more hideous gray area to capture. If you are smart enough, you see things others do not. If you do not belong, better luck next life!

The lineage of rats. If they came from a family of rats, being coward and having a bigmouth is usually an inherited trait. Expect the son to be as stupid. You can start smelling the stench through their own actions and by refusing to face responsibilities.

This involves broken trust. Lost and insecurity:

  • They rat on you. Grassing up vows of silence and secrecy.
  • They have rackets on the other side. Feeding hungry ears.
  • They steal from you. Selling your entrusted possessions.
  • They help your enemies. Gaining power and authority.
  • They purposely deceive you. Getting information to disseminate.
  • They idiotly slips. Catching a big fish in their own tongue.
  • They go against character. Deviating seriously from the benchmark.
  • They are two-faced. Insulting a good name beneath you.
  • They humiliate privately or publicly. Creating destruction.
No rule book, no laws, every situation is different. We cannot contain the fire as much as we want but having a good instinct and common sense will help you more than anything else in the world where we take different measures.

As with anything, you have a severe aversion too. You learn to recognize it, deal with it and eliminate it. We all know how to value trust and loyalty, you give 100% you get back the same or even more. The simplest rule in the universe.

A rule of thumb: anytime somebody does something to you and the thought of murdering the guy crosses your mind, chances are you were betrayed. Of course, there are plenty of jerks out there that you want to put out to pasture.

Whatever treachery it is, one thing you ought to know is that there is no second chances in life. You have to cut your losses and dissociate yourself from that person, otherwise you are a stooge and deserves to be double-crossed all over again.

01/27/2010 0125

Friday, January 22, 2010

Volunteer Nurses

Volunteer nurses contribute caring, experience and assessment skills, to make a meaningful difference in one's life. They have the opportunity to provide compassionate and courteous care to patients throughout the hospital.

With the presence of overflowing volunteer nurses, the one who is in deep need can receive more time and undivided attention from a skilled caregiver without any complaint. Yes, they fully know their responsibilities.

Taking on many different roles in caring for patients regardless of specific duties, volunteer nurses are given the freedom to devote extended amounts of time to one patient if needed. This flexibility allows one to deliver direct patient care.

People who offer themselves willingly without being paid for the services offered. A simple appreciation and due respect given is absolutely heart melting.Often experiences burn out but all they need is some motivations to keep going.

May be exposed to work related abuse such as sexual harassment, overloading of work that exceeds the job description, and being neglected by those who are in hierarchical positions.This and that grapevines may destroy them forthwith.

Left with no choice, they cater to this illegal transaction.No contract, no hospital liability- risking their own professional license in exchange for possible employment. Additional man power at no cost is surely a profitable stint.

Possessing a heart full of courage, volunteer nurses endures all the affliction for whatever reason they secure. Everyone, including them deserve to be treated fairly and humanely, respecting every existing rights of an individual.

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Thursday, January 21, 2010

New Generation Hotties

Too old to be your girlfriend, too young to be your mother. "Cougar" is a popular term for sexually aggressive older women on the hunt for young bachelors. Not being able to taste fresh meat for years, they devour a large slab of it once successfully preyed.

They are known predominantly for their bounty assets. Easily identifiable by their markings, mostly seen in the wilds controlling it's territory at their own pace. Always ready to pound on their possible heedless target, assuring no window for decampment.

Age disparity in sexual relationship wherein the women is significantly older than the men became a feature now. They can easily pick their boy toy through their unique MILF allure. A natural cradle snatcher that provides everything at all cost. Name it!

Factors to consider:
  • More time spent with their moms. Young males are still in search of their lives' direction.
  • Hot mom's supremacy rules. An authority where they call the shots as they wish. Anytime, anywhere.
  • Empowerment and boosting of self-confidence. A concept that someone still desires them despite antiquity.

The rule of thumb: "Never date someone half your age + seven."

Cougars: Date someone 8 years younger than them.

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Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Sick at Heart

You always pretend to be happy. Talking a lot, laughing out loud so nobody would know what's really inside. But at the end of the day, you always find yourself all alone encountering the crucial truth during your abandoned wee hours that you're too broken inside and not even a million laughter can take it away.

You've guessed once you loved someone, there's no bridging back. No matter how you try to prevent it, deep inside you know he will always be special inspite of the unwanted circumstances that ruins you. Well, love still turns into hatred as you perceive incongruency on your adaptation scheme.

Unrequited love is like drowning yourself in the middle of the sea, struggling for your life while someone is just watching you from afar not even trying to save you, a minute care and sincerity you cannot stumble upon. The fretful you was left inconvinient, attempting to lessen the aggravation all by yourself.

The only peron who deserves you is the one who will stick by your side even if you mess up. He can always forgive you as long as you don't cross the line. It's the moment you find the courage to give up your own happines for someone- the moment where you understand love.

Crushed dignity, equanimity became laborious to control. A broken heart, a broken relationship, a broken trust, and a broken promises to live by as we act blind on what's directly insulting us. How much time will it take for you to get enervated hearing lies, waiting, assuming, and hurting?

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Thursday, January 14, 2010


Burdens that could entirely change us, but we choose not to. We are always told to live our lives to the fullest, what we want to feel is what we will manifest (law of attraction). We are still the same no matter how the past have withered us like a trash of no value.

Respecting our own sanctuary as we gradually gain appreciation from other entities calls for demand. Troubling, yet we are not alone in this world! We know that someday, someone out there will help us lift our loads and make us realize that life is worth living at all.

We are accustomed by unmeasurable pain even at the peak of our heydey but we need to stand bravely. Only losers give up. One step in moving on is deciding not to stay where you are. There are surely lot of scopes and blessings in front of us passing out of our consciousness.

Lost, there is no way of turning back. Learn to appreciate and catch what lies at this very moment, explore the possibilities of the present. Do not allow our past to ruin ourselves, it will permanently damage us as a whole. As irreversible as it can be, feeling complete seems beyond bounds.

We do not learn to forget those critical times but instead we learn to live with the pain it has caused. No matter how circumstances forbids us to shine, still there are places that could readily embrace our decaying soul. We can always let the wind blow our worries away towards serenity, clasping inner peace throughout our life's journey.

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