Monday, February 8, 2010

Firing for Romance

People prefer medium cooked steak for its subtlety and depth of flavor so as philanderers would hunt for their victims like a foodie machismo.They heat up ceaseless romantic relationship beyond their respective partner to meet their unfulfilled needs for personal satisfaction of being wanted.

Studies supported that unwanted behavior results from unresolved childhood pyschosocial conflicts wherein it reappears in later life that challenges one's damaged ego all over again. Unhealthy coping then emerges as they try to protect themselves from their own personal intricacies.

Machos are not born they are made and must not to be considered a primordial trait of a particular group. This unacceptable disposition in the society is prominently exhibited by excessive masculinity or virility towards the opposite sex for a great catch. One way to emulate shortcomings.

On a deeper perspective, such adaptation aspect is a stigma that heavily violates the basic ethical principle we rely on. Victims instead fell in a conspiratorial trap of supposedly enchanting feeling called love. Submissiveness in this kind of relationship eventually ignites self-contempt.

Stereotypes of placing themselves on an extreme opposite of a healthy-man continuum made deconstructing the nice-guy-syndrome difficult because it needs psychoanalysis and successful resolution of the unperceived dilemmas. Hence no jerks voluntarilly submit themselves on a psychotherapy.

No remedy. End of the story.

02/08/2010 0300


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. well, like i've said, it's a learned behavior that one can't easily remove or suppress... thus, once a philanderer, always a philanderer... It's already engrained in their subconscious, or unconscious.... hence, they are generally hopeless....
